From the Senate: Stand Strong Against The Cell Tower

I stand behind the residents of Freehold Township who oppose the construction of a T-Mobile Cell Tower on Robertsville Road.

Residents have been fighting this project for almost 10 years now. The Zoning Board of Adjustment originally rejected T-Mobile’s application to construct the cell tower, a decision I firmly believe was made in the best interest of the residents of Freehold Township and to protect the Lake Topanemus Watershed as well as its scenic road designation.

The cell tower would be constructed in a residential lot surrounded by homes and is viewed by many neighboring residents a misuse of residential property that will negatively impact property values in the area. This massive, industrial structure will disrupt and destroy the bucolic landscape that officials in Freehold Township have painstakingly striven to develop and that residents have embraced and relied upon when they purchased their homes. Given the residential nature of this neighborhood, it is difficult to justify the construction of the cell tower.

Additionally, the property has been the subject of repeated violations and is often the subject of complaints. The current condition of the property does not give neighbors any reason to believe it will be maintained should a cell tower be constructed.

I implore all relevant officials to consider the weight of the sincere opposition voiced by the residents of Freehold Township and the neighbors of this site.  I hope officials will join the Freehold Township Committee in rejecting this project.