Vaccination Events
LD11 has partnered with Hackensack Meridian, Monmouth Medical Center, Ocean Township (Monmouth County), Centra State Hospital, OHI, and VNACJ to provide closed-portal vaccination events for seniors, restaurant and small business employees, and members of the disabled community to obtain an appointment to receive a vaccine.
You must reside in the 11th Legislative District to be eligible for an appointment.
Appointment only. No walk-ins.
We are currently scheduling appointments for seniors 65 and older, small business and restaurant employees in Monmouth County, and members of the disabled community residing in Monmouth County.
To register, visit either:
and our office will confirm the date, time and location with you.
If someone you know does not have access to the internet but wishes to schedule an appointment, they can call our office at 732-695-3371 and leave a message. We will call back to confirm as soon as possible.